Throughout this internship, I’ve managed to get my feet wet with a lot of new things, almost like taking mini-workshops on a variety of new topics (with the help of some really great teachers). Really I’ve done this for anything from space weather to magnetic fields to statistics (thanks, by the way, for your help… Read More
Well last week was yet another week of processing failures. At every turn we seem to encounter issues getting the processing done. The good news is that we still have a 3 good interferograms . Once I am able to work with the person who knows how to do the ground based radar processing, we… Read More
This last week I managed to get my first results and I am at the stage where I can now start to do research into everything else. Getting these results were very tricky though, as the first set I got were wrong as one of them was very vague and not accurate. Adding a few… Read More
You may have read my previous blog posts about the other 2 experiments that I have done this summer. Within them I have explained the experimental set up for my project in which there are Petri dishes, streaked with soil microbes, in a jar containing compost so that compost VOCs interact with the microbes and… Read More
Seven weeks down and two more to go. During this week of research, I was able to get a controlled test underway! By controlled test, I mean I was able to apply a specific concentration to one of my samplers. Unfortunately, I was unable to read the sampler for 24hrs due to system failure in… Read More
Unpacking is never fun. You’re in a new place, and you’re trying to decide where everything goes. At times, you may decide your initial placement wasn’t the best, so you move it into the living room, but then it doesn’t go with the rug. It just doesn’t flow. You can’t move the rug, though, it… Read More
Only two weeks left! This summer has flown by, and I’m starting to feel the pressure of so many deadlines coming up all at once. The poster, the talk, AGU abstract, CU Boulder application, and so on… can we please squeeze a few extra hours into each day?? Despite moving and some personal troubles this… Read More
21 sessions, 60 people, 5 pages each person, all dutifully transcribed, for a total of 8,167 words. I think we’re done with actually running sessions, but who knows? We may actually still do more. In the meantime though, the analysis continues. There are soooo many different results we’ve gotten, and trying to figure out which… Read More
What to say, what to say… Still plugging away with creating my poster and PowerPoint, and I know the end results will be fabulous. Speaking with my mentor Rick today, I learned more terminology that will help me explain the profile models that I have created in Excel. The more I know the better. With… Read More
As I’ve said before, you learn some pretty interesting things around NOAA. Sometimes entirely unrelated to anything you are actually studying. Guess this is what happens when you get a bunch of intelligent scientists together. The cup of random knowledge runneth over so to speak. So, what lovely little dollop of knowledge did I gain… Read More