Greetings all!
Tomorrow there is a workshop on building your elevator speech! It will be led by experts in the UCAR Communications Office, Ali Branscombe and David Hosansky. This skill is very important for job interviews, conferences, and meetings with funders.
Workshop on Elevator Speeches
Wed. Nov. 10th, 9:30 – 10:30 am MT (tomorrow!)
Register in advance for this meeting to receive login information for Zoom.
Have you ever been unsure about what to say when a total stranger asks, “what is it you do?” How about at ta poster session or at a job interview? Would you like to be sure your answer is engaging and draws them in, whether they are a scientist or non-scientist? Join Ali Branscombe and David Hosansky from UCAR Communications as they give us tips on how to share our science in a meaningful and engaging wa, and guide us through practicing! These time-tested tips will help you talk to fellow scientists, funders, and policymakers.
It is a super worthwhile workshop for people on any career path!