Introducing a new time-saving tool for the proposal development process. CIRES Proposals and CIRES IT have created a new app to make starting work on a new proposal with CIRES Pre-award more streamlined. Please check out this introductory video to learn more! Access the tool here.… Read More
Dear CIRES Colleagues, As many of you have seen, CU Boulder campus is opening back up, and I wanted to explain what that means for CIRES and for you and your colleagues. This remains an evolving situation, and I expect things will shift. We will do our best to deliver timely updates by email and blog post, and please… Read More
Dear CIRES colleagues, Inspired by CU Boulder’s interim dean of engineering, I hereby (and entirely unofficially) declare May 24-28 a “minimize meetings” week. I would like to suggest a “NO-meeting” week, yet I know that’s impractical for many of you and might delay critical teamwork for others. So, to the degree you can do so,… Read More
Hello CIRES colleagues, During this week’s Town Hall meeting, there were some questions about on-campus parking options for those who will begin returning to campus in the coming months. We contacted Parking Services and received the following answers to some of the questions that were asked: Question: Is there a part-time or hybrid-employee parking permit… Read More
Many of you have seen the notification that the Board of Regents approved a 2% campus-wide post-pandemic payment for faculty, researchers, and university staff (for most of us, these payments will be ~2% of our 6-month salaries, or ~1% of annual or academic-year-based salary). As confirmed in today’s email from the Chancellor, this payment will be made using CU… Read More
CU Boulder Human Resources is offering three briefings for managers and supervisors regarding remote working and alternative work schedule guidelines and policies. After the session, participants will be able to: Explain the guiding principles and guidance for remote working and alternative work schedules Apply the guidance and tools to begin the planning process for their… Read More
Number of Attendees: 172 To watch the recording please visit: Chat Transcript 08:59:05 From Jeff D. : That’s Angels Landing in Zion. I just did that hike about two weeks ago08:59:10 From Jeff D. : Good class 3 at that point09:00:55 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Meeting ID: 923 1338 2668+1 253 215 8782… Read More
The University of Colorado announced on April 28 that its four campuses and system administration will require all students, faculty and staff to have COVID vaccinations before the start of fall semester 2021. CU’s president and campus chancellors made the decision after consulting state and local health departments, as well as CU experts. More about the… Read More
The University of Colorado experienced a cyber attack on a vulnerability in software provided by third-party vendor Accellion, which alerted the university in late January. CU is one of many Accellion customers that were affected by the attack. We believe personally identifiable information from students, employees and others may have been compromised. The Office of… Read More
Two new meetup series will follow on the Racial Equity Challenge for Institutes. Both meetups happen first Fridays at 2:30, starting on May 7. People who identify as Black, Indigenous or other Person of Color (BIPOC) may sign up here. People who identify as an ally may sign up here. The new inter-Institute Diversity and… Read More