Phew, this week has been a crunch for me. I have finally completed my rough draft of my poster and powerpoint presentation. I have met with Jenny and Rick on separate occasions and they have helped me narrow down the main points of my project. I feel confident with my poster and powerpoint but now… Read More
What to say, what to say… Still plugging away with creating my poster and PowerPoint, and I know the end results will be fabulous. Speaking with my mentor Rick today, I learned more terminology that will help me explain the profile models that I have created in Excel. The more I know the better. With… Read More
This week I focused on working on my poster and PowerPoint presentation. I want to get these two projects done ahead of time, as I know I will have editing to do. On Wednesday we had CrowdMag Day, it went great! For the people that participated, they got to see how I used CrowdMag to… Read More
This week has been going well. My mentor Rick Saltus was out on Monday/Tuesday and of course we had July 4th, off. Tomorrow (Friday) Rick, Manoj, and I are going to visit an Iron Dike up near Ferncliff, CO (40 miles North/West of Boulder). This Iron Dike is supposed to have a high reading of… Read More
This week at NOAA was another week filled with creating Excel spreadsheets. I am now modeling “bubble” scatter plots to show my infrastructure anomaly results. My mentor, Rick, had me create one type of scatter plot and now I am working on another way to model the anomalies. We created and ordered our CrowdMag T-Shirts,… Read More
This week has been much better on me working independently on my project. I am learning how to insert Macros-VBA ( Visual Basic Application) on my Excel spreadsheets. I am currently creating models of the magnetic sphere patterns on the intensity of each “bump” on my scatter-plots (I have provided a photo, so you can… Read More
Week two has been going well so far. I am getting to know my mentor Rick Saltus, and I will be spending more time with Manoj Nair next week when he gets back from vacation. I am settling into my office and getting to know where resources are located (i.e. library, printing room). I have… Read More