This week I spent quite a lot of time getting my project set up and ready. I did have a day where I had some extra time and so my mentor recommended I shadow some one in the lab and see what other projects were underway. I only managed to get to one person because the day was almost over. I “shadowed” the lab manager. I put shadowed in quotes because he was focused on getting a new ion chromatographer installed and wasn’t doing much lab work. So, I didn’t really see much of what he was doing but since he was just watching these two representatives from the company that sold them the machine install the thing he and I chatted. I ended up with an awesome two-hour tutoring session on bacterial plasmid design and integration! I’m working in a geomicrobiology lab and I learned a lot about genetic engineering. Who would have thought! It comes to show that there is a lot of diversity in skills in all labs and if I (and my cohort) go out of our way to learn more about the others in our labs, we might learn a load more than we were expecting.

This week I also got to write my first protocol. It was a simple one on how to find the working volume of a chemostat but it was an in-depth process. my protocol was like a short novel. It was meant for me to reference as I will need to do it again and so I wrote down the things I thought I might forget. My mentor has this amazing system where I will write a protocol for something that I’m going to do, then, make a copy of that protocol and write notes next to the steps I laid out so that I can describe the things that I did differently than intended. I then go back and make another copy of the protocol to edit if I feel that the old one was not sufficient. This gives me a sort of “to do list” as I work on a task and the copies of old protocols help record the progression of how I approached the task. This also allows me to go back if a new protocol is worse than the older one. I’m learning so much in just the first full week!

The cohort!… wait.

Zoom in.



Would you look at that. He forgot what to say “Cheese.”

One comment on “Friends in odd places

  • hahah your photo series is hilarious! Also, it sounds like you’re learning a lot and having an awesome time doing so! Pretty neat that you got to shadow in the lab.

    Let’s climb when this rain finally clears up!

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