During our time of remote staffing and learning, CSTPR recently began a weekly coffee hour through Zoom to share upcoming news and announcements. Below are a few announcements that were shared the past two weeks.

CSTPR grad student Patrick Chandler (Environmental Studies), Beth Osnes (Theatre and Environmental Studies) and Max Boykoff (Environmental Studies) recently wrote a chapter ‘Creative climate communications: Teaching from the heart thru the arts’ in Teaching Climate Change in the United States (Joseph Henderson & Andrea Drewes, eds., Routledge 2020). Patrick was also recently awarded a Summer 2020 Fellowship from the Center for Humanities & the Arts. This award was given to support his work in the Creative Climate Change Curriculum project. Congrats Patrick!
CSTPR grad student Olivia Pearman recently was awarded a CIRES Graduate Student Research Award for 2020. The Graduate Student Research Award program was established to promote student scholarship and research excellence. The goal of the program is to recognize the scholarship and merit of CIRES’ outstanding graduate students. Congrats Olivia!
CSTPR grad student Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey recently received an Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS) summer research grant for work with IBS researchers Drs. Amanda Carrico and Lori Peek of the IBS Environment and Society Program to study the role of inter-community social ties and migration on knowledge transmission about adaptive agricultural practices among Bangladeshi farmers. He also received a CU Boulder Graduate School Summer Fellowship to conduct dissertation research, analysis and writing. Lastly, Jeremiah just received an Association of American Geographers (AAG) and Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) Student Travel Award! AAG and GTU have partnered to raise funds to support student attendance at the AAG annual meeting. The 2021 Annual AAG meeting will be held in Seattle next spring. Congrats on your recent awards Jeremiah!