In 2002, testifying before the Committee on Science in the US House of Representatives in a hearing on ‘New Directions for Climate Research and Technology Initiatives’, Rad Byerly quipped “Politics is not a dirty word. In a democracy it is how we resolve conflicts of values.” This articulate and insightful comment pierced the mood, and illustrated Rad’s keen ability to step up and confront vexing US science-policy challenges.
Rad passed away last January after an impressive career that included a postdoctoral fellowship at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) at CU Boulder, and more than twenty years as staff on and ultimately Director of the Science Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. He also was Director of the Center for Space and Geosciences Policy at CU Boulder. Rad spent the last years of his career with the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research (CSTPR) at CU Boulder, where he was known as a mentor, adviser and friend with a wicked sense of humor.
In recognition of Rad’s contributions to and impact on the CSTPR community, CSTPR has established the Radford Byerly, Jr. Award in Science and Technology Policy. Through this program CSTPR will present a monetary award in 2017 to a CU Boulder graduate student with a demonstrated commitment to making a significant contribution to science and technology policy in his or her work. The award competition will be announced sometime in early 2017.
Please consider making a donation to the award. You can do so either by
- Writing a check to the University of Colorado Foundation (reference # 0125500 on the subject line of the check—without this, the donation cannot be applied to the Rad Byerly award!). Send the check to: Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, 1333 Grandview Ave., Campus Box 488, Boulder, CO 80309-0488. Attention Robin
- Donating online via this link.
Thank you for your support!