FIFA paid $88.6m in salaries in 2014. We can guesstimate Blatter’s take at $6m+


by Roger Pielke, Jr.

Sporting Intelligence
March 20, 2015

The salary that FIFA pays Sepp Blatter, it’s long-serving president, has never been disclosed. We know how much US president Barack Obama makes, $400,000, and the head of the United Nations (about $240,000) and even the CEO of the biggest company in Switzerland (Nestle, $10.6 million). But Blatter’s salary is a mystery.

Today FIFA released its 2014 financials, which allows for an informed, forensic estimate of Blatter’s FIFA salary. I took a look at this question in 2013 (here and here), and the new information allows for an update and provides a few more clues.

In 2014, from a total salaries bill of $88.6m, FIFA says it paid out $39.7 million to what it calls “key management personnel” for “short-term employee benefits” (not including pension contributions). This category of personnel includes 13 members of FIFA’s management (most named in FIFA management graphic, right) along with payments made to members of its executive and finance committees.

We don’t know how much these committee members are paid, but in 2011 Mohammed bin Hammam revealed that he was compensated 200,000 Euros for his ExCo service. Sunil Gulati, a US representative on the FIFA Executive Committee, has still has yet to make good on his promise to reveal his FIFA compensation.

Using Bin Hammam’s compensation as a starting point, conservatively, as a rough estimate that suggests about $6 million of the $39.7 million in “key management personnel” compensation was devoted to remuneration for committee service. That leaves $33.7 million to be allocated among 13 individuals. This total represents an increase of almost $12 million since 2009 and $6 million since 2012. Good work if you can get it. Read more …

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