In our daily all-hands meeting last night I was on autopilot. In my mind it was time for an ATMOS team meeting to check in on installations, achievements, and needs. So I scheduled this for 8:45, right after the routine 8:30 check-in for daily activity schedules. But then it dawned on me….. “I’m probably driving people too hard here. Tomorrow is Sunday, people are tired, and everyone needs a break.” So I corrected course and put off the meeting until 11am at least (to some audible happiness from the back of the room). Thus, today, with the first planned activity not until 11am, and not much activity in general, this made for a bit of a lazy day, an opportunity to catch up on mellow. This was actually great for me as well, as I hadn’t been paying attention to the overall exertion, and exhaustion. Out here it is so easy to get caught up in the work. It is never quite clear what day of the week it is…. Or really even what time it is. Now it is pretty much full darkness all day, and each day is just about the same. We are here to make measurements continuously, and thus there is some effort needed every day just to keep us moving forward.