Wow, the sky continues to be a big highlight these days. And that big moon lighting up the sky. From the vantage point of Met City, my home on the ice 500m from the ship, the moon approaches the ship as we are heading in for dinner. This is a truly amazing scene. 5:30pm. Fully dark. In the distance Polarstern ablaze with light, looks very cool by itself. But floating overhead is the nearly full moon. Occasionally some ice crystals floating in the air to give everything a shimmering feel. And Met City is peacefully quiet, away from the noises near the ship. Just the sounds of the wind through the ice-scape. This is our little corner of this Arctic paradise.

Full Moon over Ocean City. Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Markus Rex (CC-BY 4).
Cable recovery. A ridge formed between “Polarstern” and the ROV Site and buried parts of the power cable. In the evening we recovered the cable between the ice blocks of the ridge and with some intuition, we pulled back the cable out of the newly formed ridge. Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Stefan Hendricks (CC-BY 4).

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