The FirnCover team traversed from Saddle back to DYE-2 yesterday in lower visibility during a snowfall – but not in very dangerous conditions. With GPS guiding the way, and the ability to see the rest of the team around them, they did arrive safely approximately four hours later. The ride was very smooth with fresh powder on the ground, and was described as “traversing in a cloud”. After they arrived, the storm intensified and are now basically stormed in for quite possibly the next day or two. Today they enjoyed some much needed down time: sleeping in, a big breakfast and relaxing card games, puzzles and conversation.

White-out conditions in camp, ACT 2012.
There is little work left to do at DYE-2, which can be completed in a couple of hours once the storm lifts. The plan is to wait for a twin otter flight to head back to Kangerlussuaq where hot showers and warm beds await at the KISS (Kangerlussuaq International Science Support) station. From there, seven of the team of twelve will return to their respective homes while the remaining five will fly to the northern part of the ice sheet: Summit Camp, to continue their work.