Number of Attendees: 151 Chat Transcript 09:01:53 From Katy Human (she/hers) : all: please feel free to type questions in here, or save them for the end and unmute yourself. I’m always happy to ask anonymous questions on your behalf09:02:48 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Moment of silence for Boulder shooting victims and families and… Read More

Beginning in April 2021, the university no longer requires “high risk” approval from the Provost for domestic travel. International travel will continue to require “high-risk” approval from the Provost, Russ Moore, until the university lifts this restriction. Going forward domestic travel will be approved by CIRES Travel, the CIRES Director, and the CIRES Org Officer,… Read More

CU Boulder has many dedicated support and advocacy support resources available for the campus community. Individuals can access the full list of services here. For specific ways to help trauma survivors please visit this link. The Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) and the Office of Victim Assistance (OVA) are available to assist faculty, staff and students. FSAP and OVA… Read More

This is a reminder (in this strange year) that CIRES staff based at CU Boulder have a holiday on Friday, March 26. Although students’ Spring Break is disrupted this year, staff and research scientists still get a day off. NOAA-based CIRES people who follow the federal schedule do not get this holiday.… Read More

CU Boulder has granted discretion to departments and institutes to set our own policies around people taking time off to get vaccinated. CIRES policy is the following: Please either 1) adjust your work schedule to get the vaccine without taking time off, or 2) if time doesn’t allow for such adjustment, use sick leave.… Read More

February 14, 2022 UPDATE: Please see the newest inclement weather guidance here. Given the potential for inclement weather over the weekend and into Monday, this is a reminder of the current weather-related protocols for campus and DSRC-based employees.  DSRC-based employees: Follow local guidance from NOAA building regarding delays and closures. Employees should be prepared to work remotely as appropriate.… Read More

We are aware that there are people who work in the DSRC building who have concerns about the weekly testing on campus and that it may introduce unnecessary risk by placing you in proximity to students and others on campus, when their work would otherwise not require such additional exposure. I understand and appreciate this. Having… Read More

Dear CIRES Colleagues,  Please take a moment to read through three COVID-related updates, even though some may not pertain to you—yet. Some of you may also be receiving information from your departments; please forgive any redundancy. And also, keep in mind that any presence in a campus building requires approval through the return-to-work process. First:… Read More

We’ve updated the CIRES policy on reimbursing individual membership dues. The new text is posted in full on InsideCIRES, here: What has changed? Defined criteria for when CIRES will support the cost of individual memberships Added clarity on what CIRES defines as “presenting research” at professional conferences Added guidance for researchers who want to… Read More

Chat Transcipt 10:06:08 From Jimena Ugaz : Good morning everyone! You will receive a survey today soliciting feedback on last week’s and today’s trainings! We would appreciate your feedback, so that we can continue improving our training offerings. Survey is anonymous!10:08:40 From Lisa Bengtsson : Will these slides be available somewhere after the training?10:09:35 From… Read More