Webcast Now Available for Noontime Seminar on Media and Climate Adaptation


Let’s Hear from the People: A Study on Media Impact on Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation

by Gesa Luedecke
Sustainability Sciences, Leuphana University, Lueneburg Germany

Watch the webcast

Abstract: Tackling sustainability and climate change issues requires concern and participation on every societal level. Reflecting on public discussions about sustainability and climate change in Germany over the past two decades, the individual level for taking action has scarcely been considered within this context. Besides political efforts to achieve technological and entrepreneurial modifications towards sustainable production, education of the population is also necessary to attain sustainable consumption. Beyond educating instances (e.g. school, family or friends), media are particularly discussed as being a socializing instance for shaping individual values and orientations towards sustainability. But can they also promote incentives and motivations to act sustainably? It is necessary to investigate media communication patterns that can either facilitate or hinder opportunities for individual participation in sustainable developments. My talk will therefore focus on if and how media coverage on climate change can impact young people’s actions regarding sustainable behavior. Empirical findings of my dissertation will be presented and discussed during this noontime talk.

Biography: Gesa Luedecke studied Environmental Sciences at the University of Lueneburg, Germany with focus on environmental communications, sustainability and media as well as informal learning. Gesa holds a Diploma degree in Environmental Sciences and a Ph.D. in Sustainability Sciences from Leuphana University. She has ongoing interest in environmental and sustainability communication, climate change and sustainability communication via media, media communication and sustainable behavior as well as in inter- and transdisciplinary studies. Her research focus is on the influence of media communication about climate change on individual behavior. With her experience in transdisciplinary research, Gesa is seeking to provide support for cross-disciplinary collaborations on the themes of media communication and social learning for decision-making in climate-related issues.

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