With just one week left, there’s not much more to do beyond finishing up the slides for my talk this Friday and making revisions to my submitted poster draft! The past few days have also been consumed by writing my AGU abstract and revising it approximately 572 times. One would think, with as often as… Read More

Only two weeks left! This summer has flown by, and I’m starting to feel the pressure of so many deadlines coming up all at once. The poster, the talk, AGU abstract, CU Boulder application, and so on… can we please squeeze a few extra hours into each day?? Despite moving and some personal troubles this… Read More

The start of week 6 was a good one! My suspicions regarding Friday’s results proved correct, but Katy and I worked out what the problems were in the process of getting total error values for each group of ground control points (GCPs). Tomorrow, I will redo everything from Friday… correctly this time 🙂 On the… Read More

Five weeks down, four to go! Field work on Monday started off with having to reroute as soon as we got going, thanks to a helpful sign warning us that 285 is closed near our research area due to the Weston Pass wildfire. Fortunately, we were able to turn around and take 70 and 91… Read More

Week 4 has  been a bit frustrating from a technology standpoint (Halibut, as a reminder, is my desktop at Benson). I’m at the point where I’ve processed and marked all of the images from our drone flight last Monday, and tried to create the dense cloud three times this week. This process usually takes over… Read More

Week 3 has been excellent so far! On Monday, my mentors and I hiked up the Chalk Cliffs (which is quite the workout – 30 degrees is a lot steeper than it sounds). It was an all-day affair, going from 6am to 5pm, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Having never been to the… Read More

Week 2 – let the research begin! The past five days consisted of meeting my hardworking computer (whose preexisting name, let the record show, is Halibut), practicing with photogrammetry software, and working through lessons on Unix, command line, Git, and Python. My mentor, Katy, attended a remote sensing conference; there were a few  workshops on… Read More

The initial week of RECCS is a wrap and I couldn’t have had a better time with my amazing cohorts! The first two days consisted of introductions and learning more about our projects and then the rest of the week we were at the CU Mountain Research Station. Our time at MRS provided many team… Read More