Ah! I’ve been neglectful, in terms of blogging. Since my last post, I’ve been out to the field twice. This last time we didn’t take my truck, which proved to be tricky when it came to storing soil samples (we had a few fallen soldiers).
I have been VERY busy with focusing on the new scope of my project. Basically, rather than focusing on the effects of wildfire on runoff and sedimentation in post-wildfire basins, I am now focusing on: QUANTIFYING BURN SEVERITY.
This is pretty neat because thus far there has mostly only been qualitative work done. Meaning, people (researchers/scientists/fire specialists, etc) go into an area after a wildfire and are able to visually determine the severity of a wildfire – without accurate numerical data.
Though the process is slow going and my new data set is small (yet growing) – I am making progress! Here’s a photo of our most recent field trip to the Cache la Poudre basin. You can see where the wildfire was in the background!