Over the course of this past week, we made quite a bit of progress on some main components of the research project. Firstly, we had our first field day last Monday by the Cache La Poudre Basin. In addition to that, we ran soil samples through the rainfall simulator (with success) and I worked on the fire simulator.
I also feel more confident in my project now that we have narrowed down my focus – the fire simulator! With that being said, the fire simulator is a work in progress, but it’s slowly but surely comin’ along! there has been some trial and error, but nothing that can’t be fixed! Tomorrow we will be running more burn simulations and I’m excited to see how that goes.
In preparation for burning soil, I’ve had to drill MANY steel boxes. I’ve gone through two Titanium drill bits, and hope that I don’t have to go through more. I’m almost done with the drilling portion! The drill holes are for the thermocouples so we can measure heat in the soil as it’s burning. I’ll let you all know how the first trial day of burns go! Hopefully we’re at the point to make some FIRE.

WOW!!! Alex, this is amazing!
Nothing more exciting than a girl with a drill gun and fire simulator! Best of Luck!