Issue 12 | December 2018
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Inside the Greenhouse (ITG) has continued to build momentum this fall, with many ongoing pursuits to ‘re-tell climate change stories’ in compelling and resonant ways. Our fall semester activities included a number of great events along with new research outputs. Also, this fall we have been working to revamp the searchable database of projects on our website – featuring students’ compositions as well as past events and interviews – in order to make our work more accessible and useful for others looking to integrate creative works into their ongoing climate communications.
In addition, we’re very pleased to announce that Professor Phaedra C. Pezzullo has joined us in our ongoing efforts. Phaedra is an associate professor in the Department of Communication here at the University of Colorado (CU) Boulder. She has collaborated with us over the past years on workshops in communications skills, curriculum planning, and more as she has increasingly focused on climate science communication and just transition policy. She is committed to public engagement, as she has consulted with cities and NGOs on just transitions for climate change and environmental justice organizing, participated in the International Environmental Communication Association’s Climate Negotiations Working Group at COP21 in Paris, and provides trainings in climate science communication. Her background in communication and environmental justice provides key touchstones for our group. Among her many research contributions to date, Phaedra authored the award-winning book Toxic Tourism: Rhetorics of Travel, Pollution and Environmental Justice in 2007. She also co-edited Environmental Justice and Environmentalism: The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement in 2007 and edited Cultural Studies and the Environment, Revisited in 2010. In addition, she has co-edited two editions of the award-winning textbook Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere in 2016 and 2018 (with three-time Sierra Club president Robert Cox). For more information about Phaedra’s ongoing work, check out her professional website. As a new co-director, Phaedra significantly strengthens our capacity going forward.
As we continue with our work, your support is critical. Please visit the Inside the Greenhouse Gift Fund to provide a tax-deductible gift before the new year arrives. Any amount helps us as we continue to work to communicate about the critical importance of climate engagement. Read more …