Professor Justin Farrell has joined CSTPR until August 2017, while he is on sabbatical from Yale University.
Justin Farrell will be at CSTPR for the year working to expand his computational social science approach for understanding how climate change has become such a polarized issue in the United States.
Continuing to blend network science with large-scale machine learning text analysis, Justin will focus on expanding his methodological framework for improving our understanding about how the communication of science is produced and disseminated within connected networks and subnetworks of organizations.
Justin finds CIRES to be an ideal institutional home for this sort of interdisciplinary and collaborative research program on cultural and political conflict over climate change.
As a native of Cheyenne, Wyoming, he is excited about returning to the region, but is especially excited about the opportunities for exchanging ideas with affiliates who may not work in quantitative social science, but bring a different and unique perspective that will be mutually beneficial.