The Graduate Certificate Program in Science and Technology Policy of the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research organized a competition to select two CU students to attend the AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” workshop in Washington, D.C. April 12-15. At the workshop students will learn about Congress, the federal budget process, and effective science communication, and will have an opportunity to meet with their Members of Congress or congressional staff. The competition is supported by the University of Colorado Graduate School and Center for STEM Learning.
Through a highly competitive selection process Nicholas Valcourt (Civil Systems Engineering) and Thomas Reynolds (Chemical and Biological Engineering) were chosen as this year’s winners to attend the workshop. Congratulations Nicholas and Thomas!
Emily Pugach (Molecular, Cell and Development Biology), one of the winners of last year’s competition along with Chris Schaefbauer (Computer Science), had the following to say about her experience:
“The workshop truly exceeded my expectations, and those of all the participants. As a graduate student who relies on federal dollars with little knowledge of the process and mechanisms by which these dollars are allocated, it was eye opening to learn more about these procedures and what I can do to advocate for my own research and that of the University. Truly I cannot say enough good things about the specific workshops, the people I met from AAAS, and the individuals we met within our congressmen’s offices. I sincerely hope AAAS makes the CASE workshop an annual event and that CU can continue to participate.”