It is perhaps my last tower climb while being here on Leg 1. Some days ago I had climbed our tower in modest winds to pull down a met sensor that needed to be swapped out (it was needed for elsewhere). And in the process, we wanted to compare met sensors from different heights. So we re-installed the new sensor but put it at the 2m height to compare with our other instrument there for some days. But this needed to go back up to the 6m height. Today was pretty windy, and that wind bites hard. Holding this boom up to the tower and then attaching it with a bunch of U-bolts. This requires nimble and dexterous hands, my thin silk glove liners. I could get one or two nuts screwed on and then had to stuff my hand back into my glove to get it a bit warmer. Then back for another nut. All the while, everything is cooling down. I feel my feet getting colder as they stand on the steel tower rungs. My fingers get slightly warmer when inside my gloves, but never really warm….. and with each successive activity, they slip deeper and deeper into cold. Starting to lose the dexterity a bit, so that gets challenging. I completed the job and started dressing the cables on the way down the tower, but then had to get down and warmup. One of those times when the fingers are really aching as they thaw out. This was one of the deepest colds I’ve experienced thus far at MOSAiC…. But a little heat inside the Met Hut (and a bit of jumping around as the thawing ache really hurt!) and things were back and regulated. Ready to head back outside and finish the cabling, etc. Check another activity off the list. I’m glad the Leg 2 people don’t have to take care of that.