“Continuity” is a very important concept for MOSAiC. But it’s also a huge challenge in the current Arctic conditions. In the last week we’ve had so much ice movement, right out in front of the ship. We watched Met City move back and forth across the view from the bridge. Intermittently we are able to reach it, going from floe to floe. While at other times thereis no access possible. And this limited access impacts the continuity of our measurement on the ice. We are running Met City on a couple of generators, but the runtime is such that we must refuel twice per day. So our schedule is to get out there as early and as late as possible during the working window on ice. Last night the ice movement left us no route to Met City, so the generator fan out at 4:30 am local time. This limited access is leaving its mark on the Met City data stream, but others are also impacted. Other sampling sites have move further away or broken up entirely, the Ocean City hut had to be moved, the whole Remote Sensing installation will need to be relocated, and more. Continuity of the observations has definitely been compromised. But there is also opportunity in these same ice dynamics. Many of us are interested in the various processes involved in transferring momentum between the atmosphere-ice-ocean system and understanding how the ice responds. It seems like that response might be a little different from how it once was. Also, in the past days we have been able to sample near a lead with our met tower. This is a fantastic opportunity that we could have never counted on. Lastly, the open water areas are giving people the opportunity to sample fresh new first-year ice. Many like that.