In the past days we’ve put some finishing touches on Met City and I’ve been documenting the detail son our field log book. Truly an amazing place with contributions from at least 14 projects from 5 countries, representing links to all 5 of the MOSAiC science teams. Of course we do atmospheric structure and surface energy budget measurements, including detailed wind profiles. We also have a lot of snowfall and blowing snow measurement that link with an adjacent snow sampling region. Gases and aerosols are sampled in the atmosphere. Sea ice thickness and temperature. Ocean structure and turbulence including under-ice roughness. The measurements even touch on the ecosystem through a fish camera at 350m depth. It is a truly complex observational suite on the ice out away from the potentially negative effects of the ship (well mostly…. The ship’s wake in the atmosphere can still impact our tower measurements and with the right wind we can see its impacts on certain gas concentrations). It feels relieving to have so much completed and now fully operational out at MOSAiC’s largest suburb.