A day at sea now. Tired. Perhaps it is part of getting my sea legs, and perhaps it is part due to sleeping 9 hours last night. First long sleep in a long time. Turned in early after our launch. No socializing. Feeling a bit melancholy. I think I haven’t yet processed the concept of being away for so long, not having normal life, family, other people…… just so much work for such a long time that I never processed it. And now feeling a bit of loss. All of this hard work for more than 10 years and now that whole part of my life is done. No more preparation for MOSAiC; now we are doing MOSAiC. This is what I’ve wanted, what I’ve been working for, but now oddly, I’m feeling a sense of loss over the “stress of preparation.” How strange.

PHOTO: Leaving Tromsø, Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Mauro Herrmann (CC-BY 4).