This past weekend, I went on a work retreat with my coworkers. You can check out a photo blog of the weekend here. Өнгөрсөн амралтын өдрүүдэд би МУИС-н Цөмийн Судалгааны Төвийн хамтран ажиллагсадтайгаа цуг амралтанд явсан.… Read More

Монгол Xэл For the latest installment of the Meet Mongolia’s Scientists Series, allow me to introduce you to Renchin Tsolmon. Tsolmon is a space science and remote sensing professor at the National University of Mongolia. She currently teaches remote sensing, astronomy, and environmental science courses and supervises over twenty masters and doctoral students.… Read More

nbsp; Монгол Xэл Thursday, I experienced my first dust storm in Mongolia. Springtime dust storms are pretty common in Ulaanbaatar, and the one that hit Thursday was considered mild. However, it still was pretty cool to me. Check out the view from my office on a clear day versus Thursday.   Монгол Xэл: 4 дэх… Read More

Meet Mongolia’s Scientists – Starting Tomorrow!

I’ve been wondering a lot about how science works in Mongolia. How does funding work? How is research divided between the universities and institutions? What is grad school like? What’s the tenure track like? What are publication or presentation expectations for professors, researchers, and students? How do research groups function and departments function? … Read More