23 August 2014, by Dan Wolfe.

I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself. I’m a research meteorologist with NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory, now working through CIRES after retiring from NOAA in 2011. I first became interested in the Arctic while serving in the US Coast Guard as a marine science technician/diver (1969-74), first on board an icebreaker and then with the oceanographic unit. In the early 1970’s I participated in the Western Beaufort Sea Ecological Study (WEBSEC): a baseline study of the Arctic north of Prudoe Bay, prior to building of the Alaska pipeline. While working for NOAA, I’ve been fortunate to have been involved in several other Arctic projects including the Arctic Leads experiment (LEADEX 1991), the Surface Heat Energy Budget of the Arctic (SHEBA 1997-98) experiment, the International Chemistry Experiment in the Arctic Lower Troposphere (ICEALOT 2008), and setting up a research site at Eureka, Canada as part of NOAA’s Study of Environmental Arctic Change program (SEARCH). I have also spent time at the South Pole (1993). My main area of interest is the boundary layer and air-sea interaction.