We are ramping up a new field season as we fly out to Kangerlussuaq early Monday morning. This year will be a particularly memorable year. As you may be aware, on Earth Day, April 22, 2017, there will be a series of rallies and marches set to be held in Washington DC and over 500 cities across the world dubbed March for Science. Since we will be unable to attend the March for Science in the U.S., we’ve decided to start our own march in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. Science is vital for Greenland (and the world), especially in light of today’s changing climate. Both Greenlanders and Scientists will show support for the scientific endeavor and its benefits to humanity. We will meet at the front steps of the KISS Station (Kanglerussuaq International Science Support) in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland at 9:00 am local time. You can follow March for Science Greenland on Twitter and Facebook.
Stay tuned for updates and images from the field!

Kangerlussuaq International Science Support – photo credit: Barbara MacFerrin