Tuesday, October 11
Dear FIREXers;
Today we had six burns, with a wide variety of flaming and smoldering emissions–and we snuck in a short burn of one of the chaparral fuels we just received: Lodgepole Litter/ Douglas Fir and Litter/ Engelmann Spruce Canopy/ Chamise/ Sub-alpine Fir/ Engelmann Spruce Duff.
We have had several instrumental challenges to date, but those have been or are being resolved. We plan on a full day of chaparral fuels tomorrow and will have a few science presentations at the end-of-day meetings tomorrow and Thursday.
Thanks to everyone for their hard work,
Jim, Carsten, and Bob
Wednesday, October 12
Dear FIREXers:
Today we had four successful burns of chaparral and one of a Douglas Fir rotten log.
Today’s science presentations were by Jim about the new Ny system, Bin Yuan about first results with the I-CIMS and Paola Massoli about the nitrate-CIMS. Thanks for the great discussion!
TENTATIVE Plan for the upcoming days:
Jim, Carsten, Bob