Dear Colleagues, We want to provide you with an update on COVID-related operational guidance from CU Boulder, as of July 1. Masks: Masks or facial coverings are no longer required indoors on the CU Boulder campus, including CIRES units, as of July 1. Inside CIRES facilities, masks or facial coverings are still strongly encouraged for individuals who are… Read More
Not sure if you need to complete the ASA? Most CIRES researchers do complete the ASA, this includes Associate Scientists, Research Scientists, and Post-Docs. Those who do not complete the ASA are temporary researchers, hourly employees, student employees, regular faculty, VFPs, NRC and visiting fellows. If you still aren’t sure email… Read More
The deadline for the 2020-2021 Annual Summary of Accomplishments (ASA) employee portion is June 30. The ASA is a yearly requirement for all CIRES research faculty and staff hired prior to July 1, 2021. Full details on the ASA process, deadlines and instructions are on the insideCIRES ASA app. If you were unable to attend an ASA overview sessions, recordings are… Read More
Rendezvous 2021 was a resounding success. You can find a link to Waleed’s Institute address here. The slide deck for this presentation is here. Special thanks to the CMC, CIRES IT, Linda Pendergrass and many others who contributed their talents, and creativity and special congratulations to the many award winners who were recognized for their… Read More
Two new regular meetups are happening on First Fridays 2:30p. The first supports BIPOC students and employees within Institutes, led by Yasko Endo of the Institute for Cognitive Studies. The second is for allies to continue to work together on racial equity. Both meetups happen first Fridays of the month at 2:30. Additional information, including… Read More
This monthly virtual brown bag workshop series aims to support personal learning and provide inclusive opportunities for CIRES researchers to connect and learn together. Each workshop will be from 12-1 pm, and we invite you to join the zoom 30 minutes beforehand for informal conversations and connection with your colleagues. The next workshop is June… Read More
Introducing a new time-saving tool for the proposal development process. CIRES Proposals and CIRES IT have created a new app to make starting work on a new proposal with CIRES Pre-award more streamlined. Please check out this introductory video to learn more! Access the tool here.… Read More
Dear CIRES Colleagues, As many of you have seen, CU Boulder campus is opening back up, and I wanted to explain what that means for CIRES and for you and your colleagues. This remains an evolving situation, and I expect things will shift. We will do our best to deliver timely updates by email and blog post, and please… Read More
Dear CIRES colleagues, Inspired by CU Boulder’s interim dean of engineering, I hereby (and entirely unofficially) declare May 24-28 a “minimize meetings” week. I would like to suggest a “NO-meeting” week, yet I know that’s impractical for many of you and might delay critical teamwork for others. So, to the degree you can do so,… Read More
Hello CIRES colleagues, During this week’s Town Hall meeting, there were some questions about on-campus parking options for those who will begin returning to campus in the coming months. We contacted Parking Services and received the following answers to some of the questions that were asked: Question: Is there a part-time or hybrid-employee parking permit… Read More