I have never had a job that I sat in a windowless room working on the computer for hours at a time; fortunately, I love numbers and results. (not to mention, I have a quirky group to share the office with) We started this week off choosing the locations for data collection along the boulder… Read More
HELLO! I am writing from my new desk at the INSTAAR building. There is a window next to me and I can see cottonwood fluffs floating by. Right now it is lunch time and I am drinking my favorite raspberry kombucha with chia seeds. Earlier today I processed about 200 sample collecting bottles, both glass… Read More
Last week we at CIRES Education Outreach kicked-off the 2015 RECCS summer internship program! Ten Colorado community college students attended a very busy and exciting introductory week of activities to prepare them for a successful nine-week long research project with their mentors. The RECCS interns are spending the summer at a variety of research locations including labs… Read More