Went out to the Cable Gate site on Monday and saw my first pika! Hot dog, those things can move! It was great to spend some time with Dr. Ray and her son, trying to absorb as much information as possible during the hike and survey. We headed off to sort and prep some field gear for the trapping season and managed to dodge a pretty nasty storm that rolled up over the mountains.
I’ve been working with the temperature data a lot this week, reading some new papers, and trying to teach myself how to use R Studio. Getting very excited about finally seeing the plots that I’ve been spending so much time analyzing, via the occupancy survey and temperature data. Hopefully I’ll be able to make some interesting observations in the field that will help with context for my presentation.
Photos from the hike out to one of Ashley’s study sites at the Rocky Mountain National Park on Thursday. Lucked out and got to borrow some sweet snow spikes from Elder, definitely helped me navigate these wacky trail conditions: