Seven weeks down and two more to go. During this week of research, I was able to get a controlled test underway! By controlled test, I mean I was able to apply a specific concentration to one of my samplers. Unfortunately, I was unable to read the sampler for 24hrs due to system failure in the CIMS. It would have been ideal to not have waited at all before doing a thermal desorption with the CIMS. Anyway, after the data came through 24hrs later, the target analyte did not appear to be captured by my sampler. So, that was bad news. While trying to trouble shoot the issues with the CIMS, and possible issues with my controlled test set up, I was able to start putting together a PowerPoint for my final presentation. Lastly, I was able to draw a diagram of the controlled experiment with my computer and also receive some background data for my charcoal sampler. Overall, experimentation is still progressing and there is no downside to that!