I was so worried about understanding the work I was doing and keeping up with my mentor that I had completely overlooked what I wanted to show with the data I have processed. Last week, I had an absolute breakdown after this realization; I had so much data, but I had no idea what to do with it. Halfway through the RECCS program, I felt super behind and backed up even though I had put so much effort into staying on top of my work and keeping up.


This is not a good place to be long term and I decided to ask a few of my cohorts what they would do in my situation. The responses I was met with were of overwhelming support and understanding. I soon learned that I was not the only intern in this situation and that there was help available to me at the drop of a question. After stressing for such a long week, I had a five minute conversation with Jason Swain, another RECCS Intern, and felt immensely better instantly. He explained to me that getting all of the data collected and processed would definitely be the hardest portion of this summer, and now that I have finished with that, there are several ways I can present the data with relevance. Because of this quick conversation, I realized I had several ideas about correlating previous data and studies to my own as well as a few new ideas of what to put on my poster and how to present the information I had collected.


The gem of a  realization I had today was that my biggest resource was going largely unused; my fellow interns. Not only are these interns some of the brightest and most motivated people I have met at CU, but they also have been in almost every situation I have and have felt all the same amounts of stress and confusion that I have. Thank you so much, Jason, for helping me to make the connection I was previously missing! I can breathe easier after today and have about ten new ideas to work on!



One comment on “Don’t forget to use every resource available to you!

  • That was a really beautiful way to put it, Sheen. I can really empathize with a lot of what you said. I really feel as though I have just recently worked through a similar situation. Balancing this internship, writing essays, trying to apply for AGU, working on finishing my summer class (which is picking up immensely), figuring out my schedule for FRCC next semester, and lyft driving has become difficult to deal with. However, now that I have structure for when my mentor wants my essays I feel a lot more relaxed and capable to take this task on. However, my largest resource that I’ve also made too little use of my very greatest resource: my fellow interns. Every single one of the interns are all here to support you. Please feel free to come to me at any time and I would be happy to assist you with anything you’d like. I’m sure the same goes for each of us. Also, please remember that you are super awesome and I have such a great degree of confidence in you!!!!!!

    Can’t wait to see your research!


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