American Association for the Advancement of Science
“Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” Workshop Student Competition
Student competition to attend the AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” workshop in Washington, DC to learn about Congress, the federal budget process, and effective science communication. Students will have an opportunity to meet with their Members of Congress or congressional staff.
The CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy is hosting a competition to send two CU students to Washington, DC to attend the AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” workshop. The competition is open to any CU graduate student or well-qualified graduating senior. Please submit a one-page statement explaining the importance of the workshop to your career development to by February 7, 2014. The evaluation committee will select two students from those who apply. The competition is being organized by the Graduate Certificate Program in Science and Technology Policy and is supported by the CU Graduate School. More Information.
Workshop Overview
AAAS Workshop: Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering
March 31, 2014
A coalition of scientific societies and organizations has created an exciting opportunity for graduate and upper-class undergraduate students in science, mathematics, and engineering disciplines to learn about science policy and advocacy.
Elected students will participate in a two-and-a-half day workshop in Washington, DC, beginning on March 31, 2014. Participants will learn about the structure and organization of Congress, the federal budget and appropriations process, and tools for effective science communication. In addition, students will participate in interactive seminars for both policy-making and communication. By the end of the workshop students will have an opportunity to learn about ways to remain engaged and involved either through a relevant professional society or through on-campus activities.
The day after the culmination of the workshop, students will form teams and conduct meetings with their elected Members of Congress and congressional staff members, putting into practice what they’ve learned.
This entry-level workshop is organized to educate students who are interested in learning about the role of science in policy-making, to introduce them to the federal policy-making process, and to empower them with ways to become a voice for basic research throughout their career. Space is limited to two students per institution. Registration and travel fees will be covered by the sponsor. Workshop Information.