We have made good progress again today with many instruments and inlets in place and equipment being turned on. We are still on schedule for the first test burn on Tuesday afternoon.
We will have a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3PM in the second floor conference room to discuss typical burns, fuels and other issues for the upcoming measurements.
Most instruments are on the platform, which means that we have put a lot of weight up on the platform. As a result we cannot have more than five people up there at any time. At the bottom of the elevator you can find green “ticket to ride” chips. If you have one of those, you can go up on the platform, if you don’t, you have to wait until somebody else comes down and hands you a chip. So if you don’t have to be on the platform, please stay down until it is less busy with the instrument setup. Also please bring down any equipment, such as extra toolboxes, that is not strictly needed on the platform. This is certainly inconvenient during the setup stage, but please make sure that everybody gets their turn on the platform to install their instrument.
It is great to see all the progress and so many people working together.