In CrowdMag project, we explore whether the digital magnetometers built in modern mobile smartphones can be used as scientific instruments. With CrowdMag mobile apps, phones all around the world can send magnetometer data to our research group. At our server, we check the quality of the magnetic data and share data with the public as aggregate maps and charts. Our goals are:
To build, grow, and foster a worldwide community of citizen scientists and enthusiasts collecting magnetic field data and sharing it to further our understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field.
Develop magnetic models and maps using the data shared by CrowdMag users in combination with data collected by ships, aircrafts and satellites, with an aim to fill in the gaps of professional mapping of Earth’s magnetic field.
Success of the CrowdMag project depends on the participation of citizen scientists like you. Become a citizen scientist and join our research on Earth’s geomagnetic field. The video below shows how using the CrowdMag smartphone app during your everyday activity will help us improve navigation for everyone.