The Innovative Research Program is designed to stimulate a creative research environment within CIRES and to encourage synergy between disciplines and research colleagues. The intent is to support small research efforts that can quickly provide concept viability or rule out further consideration. The program encourages novel, unconventional or fundamental research that might otherwise be difficult to… Read More

CIRES supports a Graduate Student Research Award program to promote student scholarship and research excellence. The goal of the program is to recognize the scholarship and merit of CIRES’ outstanding graduate students. Any current Ph.D. student that is formally supervised by a CIRES Fellow or CIRES Researcher is eligible for this one-time award opportunity. Prospective… Read More

CIRES HR has developed a Supervisor Responsibilities Checklist with detailed information on your role in the hiring process (for regular employees, temps and students), new employee onboarding, timesheet approval, performance management, ASA reviews and the promotion process. The checklist also includes valuable information on CIRES and campus resources for your employees on professional development, medical and mental… Read More

CIRES Property would like to notify the CIRES community that the following equipment has become available for use. If you are interested in using this equipment, or if you have any questions, please contact Aly Nahum. CU Tag 210054 – Transient Recorder Item: Transient Recorder Custodian: Matthew Shupe Serial Number: FAB7DBE1 Item value: $18,214.92 Current… Read More

Dear students, faculty and staff, Our community continues to cope with the devastating impacts of the Marshall Fire, which recently destroyed more than a thousand homes in nearby Superior and Louisville––including the homes of dozens of faculty, staff and students who must now rebuild their lives. Given the impacts of the fire and a surge… Read More

Due to the Marshall Fire, the career track deadlines have been extended. Please see this schedule for a full listing of updated deadlines. Most of the original dates were extended by two weeks. Since monthly payroll processes mid-month, CIRES HR is still targeting salaryincreases to be effective May 1, 2022. Due to the deadline extensions,… Read More

Please help me welcome Rachael Fritchie and Lindsey Brown, our newest CIRES IT team members.  Rachael FritchieCIRES IT Web/Application and Visualization Developer Rachael is joining us from The University of Oklahoma College of Law where she served as their Web Applications Developer for the past ten years.  Before that she worked as a web developer… Read More

Please join the Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) and the Office of Victims Assistance (OVA) for the Managing Mental Health Through Traumatic Events webinar. This presentation and discussion will center around the events of the Marshall Fire. We will discuss how to take care of yourself, others and your community during this time. There… Read More

As announced in CU Boulder Today, CIRES employees impacted by the Marshall Fire have additional administrative leave options. Information on the types and amounts of leave available is below. Impacted employees should consult with CIRES HR as needed, and be sure to inform their supervisors of their leave needs and schedule.  Campus leadership and officials are working very hard on behalf… Read More

To propose additional resource links, please email or And please consider reporting your status to CIRES/CU Boulder (entirely voluntary, shared only with CIRES and CU Boulder leadership). CU Boulder’s fire resources page has a comprehensive list of resources, including how to request a WiFi hot spot. FEMA Disaster Assistance CU Boulder Staff &… Read More