CIRES HR has been fielding many questions about the Annual Leave Certification process, which must be completed by August 26, so we compiled information for everyone. Let us know if you have further questions; please email
Per Regent Policy, 12-month faculty and university staff are required to annually confirm their leave accruals, and supervisors are then required to approve their employees’ certification. This process allows us to identify errors and ensure balances are correct. Further, accurate leave records are very important when an employee separates from the university.

  1. Guidance for Employees:
  2. Guidance for Supervisors:
    • Overview from the University 
    • Step-by-Step Guidelines for Certifying Annual Leave (Employees & Supervisors) PAGE TWO describes supervisor certification process
    • To view individual employee leave accruals prior to certification, please use MyLeave:
      • Click on the Calendar-Month tab in the top left corner of the page.
      • You should then see a box that includes your own name, listed with your employee ID.
      • Next to your name, there is a drop-down icon. Click on the drop-down icon.
      • In clicking this icon, you should see a list of your employees. You can then review monthly timesheet submissions by individual employee name.
    • Approvers have access to all their reports to time sheets in My Leave. There is a drop down by your name in My Leave that allows you to change and move from employee to employee to review time sheets and balances. The July usable balance field should be equal to the leave certification amount. The following is a screen shot of the steps to find the usable balance in My Leave for your employees.

Timesheet Reminder: All CIRES employees should be submitting leave requests and timesheets monthly. Deadlines:

  • By the 10th of every month: Employees should submit a timesheet through the MyLeave portal.
  • By the 15th of every month: Supervisors should be review and approve employees’ timesheets. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure employees’ timesheets are submitted and approved on a monthly basis.