If you supervise an international employee or employees, it is important to be aware that any anticipated changes to the position of an international employee need to be reported to CIRES HR at ciresehr@colorado.edu *before* the changes take place.  This is because most changes will require additional paperwork, and some changes may not be possible.  Please allow plenty of lead-time for any possible changes, as some changes will require paperwork that takes weeks to process.

The following is a list of possible changes to a position but may not include every situation. Please contact CIRES HR before any changes to the position are made.

List of Possible Position Changes:

Work Location

Travel to and Work at Other Locations

Job Title Change

Change in Responsibilities

Change in Supervisory Duties

Percentage of Full-Time Employment

Leave of Absence

Salary Change

Employment Working for other Employers (Usually not possible)

Complete Job/Position Change or Transfer

Termination of Employment