From the Administration

Dear CIRES Colleagues,

As the Chancellor announced, CU Boulder will begin temporary, campus-wide pay reductions for designated faculty and staff. Because of the varied nature of our funding, CIRES personnel will be affected in different ways:

  • CIRES tenured and tenure-track faculty are receiving a temporary 5% reduction on faculty contract pay from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Summer research pay will not be impacted.
  • Researchers and administrative staff who have been funded 50% or more from sponsored research and gifts (the vast majority of you) are exempt from the campus-wide pay reductions. We are working hard right now to identify who is and is not exempted from the 5% cut: we will be in touch as soon as possible.
  • Appointments funded <50% with only sponsored projects research sources are also exempt from the campus-wide pay reductions.
  • For appointments funded 50% or more on non-sponsored funds, a prorated pay reduction based on the percentage of your position funded through general funds over the past year.

As another cost-reduction measure, CU Boulder officers (the chancellor, the provost, the COO, vice chancellors, associate vice chancellors, and deans) are receiving a temporary 10% cut from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

Please visit this campus FAQ page for additional information.

Along with CU Boulder leadership, we recognize that these are challenging and stressful times. We must all recognize that this is the current situation; conditions are likely to keep changing. Thank you for your continued commitment to helping us manage the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our campus in a way that preserves as many jobs as possible, recognizes the value of the work we all do, and best serves the university’s collective interests. 

We will be back in touch as we gather more information, and please plan to jump on Tuesday’s Director’s Town Halls (9 am by Zoom for employees on campus; 10 am by Google Meet for employees at NOAA) as this is a topic we can discuss then.

CIRES Director Waleed Abdalati and the
CIRES Senior Management Team