The RECCS program has allowed me more breadth to the world of academia. Not only has it given me research experience, but has began to re-wire my mind in a way I never thought. I feel that I have learned more in three weeks than I have in two years of courses at FRCC. Having a better understanding of how credits, transfers, scholarships, CV’s, grad school, work study, networking, finding an advisor, research, field work, data analysis, GIS, etc (the list really does not seem to end) all has put my mind at ease. The future always seemed to be overwhelming and unobtainable. This internship has and I assume will continue to prepare me for a future in science. What exactly that will entail I still am figuring out. But I now feel the room to breath. I will find my calling and all of these experiences will guide me there.

The last few weeks have been full of excitement, intrigued learning, bonding, frustration, beauty, pride…all apart of finding my methodical madness to persevere, through this summer internship and the rest of my life.


Wild Blue Columbines in Gordon Gulch


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