First field day was this week since we’ve been graced with some rainless weather. We started early to avoid the abuse of sunlight and I quickly learnt that exact measurements in geology is not only impossible but a disadvantage. We set our constants such as the area of data collection, maximum number of measurements to… Read More
This week we visited an unmanaged site that was not affected by the beetles. It will serve as a control to compare our findings from the affected sites. It was in Sunshine Canyon in Boulder County. The day was hot but there was no rain. It is a lovely site! Our data collection process is… Read More
At Golden Gate Canyon State Park.… Read More
Hey guys, Luca here. Honestly all I have been doing this week is sitting at a computer, and programming. Mostly the work I am doing is researching to figure out the code required from various formula in the paper written by Idar Barstad and others. The link for the paper will be below for those… Read More
I was so excited to come to work today and just found out that I actually can’t do much with my project today. I am still waiting for my lab equipment to show up. In order to do my project, I need a LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit, some filters and a gradient called Nycodenz.… Read More
Have you ever seen pictures of Acid Mine Drainage? If not, I encourage you to google that mess immediately. The pictures you will find might give you an idea of what my team and I discovered on our field trip last Friday. Here is a summary of the events that took place: After a nice… Read More
My first week on the job was fun, exciting, nervous and a little bit stressed. The graduate student I am working with called Tess, she is really awesome. She let me do DNA extraction for her project on my first day!!! Learning all different kind of lab techniques and playing with all those high-tech equipments… Read More
This week has been wonderful. I did learn early on that you should probably get permission before taking photos at federal government buildings. I’m based at USGS for my project. My mentor is Jenny Briggs, a research ecologist, and Fleur Ferro, a biology instructor from the Community College of Denver, is part of our team… Read More