My project is rockin and rollin. Overnight at the Tundra Lab was super fun and surprisingly warm! The team and I dug a 10ft deep snow pit, and completed multiple surveys. I am finally comfortable with the site and my specific points of interest to where I am independently working along the GPR (ground penetrating… Read More
Things are ramping up in my project! Each week we are collecting more data and I am starting to compare different variables (snow density, depth, and snow water equivalent). We found a somewhat simple way to track my GPS coordinates with the GPR. Shout out to Claire for showing me an app to help! In… Read More
First of all, it was amazing getting to know each and every one of you. I hope Friday went well for everyone. I was lucky enough to actually hike up to the tundra lab and start measurements. Side note: DO NOT FORGET SUNSCREEN! I’m so red, I look like the wrong end of a baboon.… Read More