What a busy week this has been! We arrived back at RMBL on Monday the 8th and have gotten a lot of work done. This time around, we are lucky enough to have two others on our team, Andrea and Jane. We have all been putting in full days in the field collecting demography and phenology data. Andrea has been working on some GPS mapping for our sites, and it has been exciting to watch that all come together. Aside from our field work, I have spent a decent amount of time in the lab testing some of our pollen germination recipes and staining agents.
We were also lucky enough to be present for a phenology symposium, and Kelly was one of the presenters! It was a great opportunity to not just learn about these exciting studies taking place at RMBL, but also watch the pros deliver their five-minute spiels. I feel that exposure to these types of events are helping me feel more comfortable with my eventual presentation at the end of the program.
This has been another great week at RMBL. As always, I am constantly learning valuable information from Kelly. It has been awesome to work with such an amazing team!