I was lucky enough to have spent the last week at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. It was exciting to finally get out into the field and learn some of the processes. One of the sites where we have some germination plots was still covered in snow, so we were not able to make it up there. Another site was across the river, which is currently raging. We were able to find a safe point at which to cross 3 miles upstream. Aside from being an awesome mentor, Kelly is also an amazing backpacking partner! It made for a fun and memorable day.
The trip also proved to be an excellent writing retreat. Kelly tasked me with developing data sheets as well as our protocol/methods document. I am really loving the exposure to every aspect of the process. It was great to be able to immerse myself in the experience while at RMBL. Also, I met some amazing people! I knew that RMBL was a big deal in the world of field biology, but I had no idea just how big of a deal! It was really the experience of a lifetime and I am looking forward to returning in a couple of weeks!