The Christmas 2010 at McMurdo was marked by nice, warm and clear weather, delicious Christmas dinner, and the hard work of the lidar team at Arrival Heights. It’s certainly an unforgettable one! Excited by the preliminary results of our 24-48 hours of continuous lidar data, the lidar team members were determined to collect more data… Read More

December 22, 2010 was a summer solstice in Antarctica but a winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. I am very happy to announce that we successfully obtained both channels (372 and 374 nm) of lidar data with the Fe Boltzmann lidar from Arrival Heights, McMurdo in Antarctica on December 20th, 2010. And the lidar operation… Read More

Dear Friends and Colleagues, The 4th week (December 4-16th, 2010) was long and dramatic for the A-130 lidar team because we went through hell to reach the heavens!!! First, what happened in the heavens? I am very happy to announce that we obtained the first Fe signals (372 nm) from Arrival Heights on December 16, 2010.… Read More

Dear Friends and Colleagues, The 3rd week on ice was extremely busy so this post will be short as I need to get up earlier tomorrow morning to deal with many things. Despite quite a lot of frustration, the important progress we made included: All lidar boxes were finally moved into the Arrival Heights Kiwi’s… Read More

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Happy thanksgiving from McMurdo, Antarctica, although a few days late! What a busy and tough week we had on the ice! Construction, moving, unpacking and installation become so difficult in this cold world! Seawater-moisture, damaged power console and broken frames were the subject of this week, but at the end victory… Read More

Once again I am on the ice. It is my 5th trip to the Antarctic, and also the beginning of our new lidar campaign at the USAP (United States Antarctic Program) McMurdo Station (77.85S, 166.67E). The purpose is to complete an observational chain for Antarctica in combination with previous lidar measurements made at the South Pole… Read More