Yesterday was the last day on the ship, although we got into port on the 19th of May. I was off that ship so fast for a nice, long run after we were moored. We have deployed 35 pieces of equipment, recovered 4 pressure gauges, and spent 10 days out on the ocean. It’s funny, if you would have asked me five days ago whether I would come on the recovery cruise next year to pick up the deployed equipment, I would have said, “No.” But now, my days of debilitating seasickness are far behind me and I can only think of how great the whole experience was. The funny thing about experiences that are very trying is that they offer the greatest rewards. Good lesson for a PhD student, I suppose.
I never posted pictures of the standard aspects of our sea life, our bunks, food, people, etc., so enjoy! It was a pleasure to sail with the PI’s, the scientific team, and the crew, it was a great group of people. Anne and Justin are excellent fun to travel with, and thanks to my roommate Erin for taking care of me while I was sick and for working so hard on the cruise report! And of course, I have learned a lot about ocean bottom seismometer and absolute pressure gauge instruments, data analysis methods, and my future research direction, which is of prime importance