Yesterday at DYE 2, bad whiteout winds kept the team pretty much hunkered down.  They did however, manage to set up the latrine tent during the storm, but the strong winds ripped the tent door open.  Visiting the latrine is now a “spin-drifty experience” as described by Mike. Better weather was had today and was… Read More

Today’s snowmobile traverse to DYE 2 was rather uneventful at the start, but about 35 km/22 mi in, the team was faced with strong head winds and blowing snow which produced full on whiteout conditions with temperatures hovering around -30˚F.  With no visibility of the horizon line for the remaining 60 km/37 mi, they exclusively depended on their GPS… Read More

Communications from Mike this morning initially indicated that winds in the area were moderate and that a traverse to DYE 2 was yet undecided.  Four hours later, I learned that weather had worsened significantly and that most of Greenland was shut down to all flights. Winds had picked up speed with near zero visibility.  Dangerous… Read More