CIRES Director Waleed Abdalati will host a virtual town hall Tuesday, April 14; this one has capacity to support all of us: those who normally work on CU Boulder campus and those based out of DSRC. The CIRES senior management team will be there to help address concerns and questions as best we can. As usual,… Read More

Please Zoom in for informal discussion and connection with the CIRES senior management team: Christine Wiedinmyer, Science Gretchen Richard, Finance Angela Knight, Human Resources Katy Human, Communications Nate Campbell, Information Technology or 1-669-900-6833, meeting id 118048941 This is an informal gathering, an opportunity to ask questions or simply share experiences. We want to keep in… Read More

Dear CIRES Community, Many of you are asking questions about the meaning of the merit pool section of the Administrative eMemo sent yesterday, April 2 (email from: Administrative eMemo, linked here). Specifically: Will there be no merit raises in October? This question is under assessment by the CU Boulder Research & Innovation Office. We likely won’t… Read More

Dear CIRES Community, We want to follow-up from yesterday’s Town Halls to reinforce leave tracking and timesheet protocols for March and April, with more details to come. For the March leave report, Admin Leave is not yet available. Please use Sick Leave when you were ill or when you took care of a sick relative, and obviously, use Vacation Leave when you were on vacation. If you were not able to fulfill some of your regular work… Read More

Dear CIRES Colleagues, I assume most of you have received the note below, but just in case, I’m forwarding it to all CIRES staff who work in affiliation with NOAA. Unless you have been identified as someone whose in-person work is critical (you have been informed already if this is the case), telework is mandatory.… Read More

Dear CIRES Community Members, I know you are inundated with emails at the moment, but many of you have reached out to my team with questions about how time should be charged during this COVID-19 situation, and I wanted to answer that as well as speak briefly to another key issue: your emotional well-being. As… Read More

Dear Colleagues,  I’ll keep today’s note brief. As announced by Chancellor DiStefano yesterday, CU Boulder is moving to a mandatory work-from-home phase tomorrow (Wednesday, March 18). This means that unless you know you are designated as a critical services employee, you should not go to work on CU Boulder’s campus after today.  I’m still working with CIRES supervisors… Read More

Dear Colleagues,  I sincerely appreciate your time and good questions during our virtual town halls this morning. My team will let you know when we schedule the next virtual meeting; it will likely be sometime next week. I’d like to clarify a couple things, because we were all dealing with rapidly changing information this morning. This… Read More