Chat Transcript

10:01:26 From Angela Knight : Getting started in a few minutes to allow others to join. Feel free to enter questions here and we will answer throughout the session as we are able. Thanks for being here!
10:14:24 From Ann Middlebrook : How will we access the recordings in the future?
10:15:08 From Jimena Ugaz : Dear Ann: We will talk to Nathan Campbell and send you all pertinent information after this session. Probably through Inside CIRES
10:15:25 From Ann Middlebrook : Thank you, Jimena!
10:17:18 From Lucia she/her/hers : Sessions will be posted on the admin news blog (immediately following the session as soon as the video can be processed)
10:20:27 From Kate Heightley : I’d like to have the presentation in addition to recordings.
10:20:47 From Jimena Ugaz : Absolutely, Kate.
10:20:54 From Nathan Campbell : I will get them posted to the admin blog as well.
10:29:51 From Lucia she/her/hers : You can view your current PD on insideCIRES by clicking on the MY CIRES INFORMATION box at the right of the main page.
10:30:03 From Lucia she/her/hers : PD= Position Description
10:31:08 From Mike Hobbins : Can you elaborate on “compression” issues?
10:31:18 From Christina Williamson : what are compression issues?
10:31:48 From Steve Montzka : who might be the person to connect with about equity issues?
10:32:56 From Jimena Ugaz : Dear Steve: you can send me an email about it and I will work with Angela to address it.
10:34:02 From Evan Kalina : Does CIRES HR do any monitoring for equity and/or compression issues, or does that fall solely on the unit/supervisor to look out for?
10:37:59 From Heather Yocum : FYI, here’s a resource for writing recommendations/evaluations and how to avoid gender bias:
10:38:08 From Heather Yocum : I’ve found this to be very helpful!
10:38:44 From Christina Williamson : Do supervisors have access to enough salary information to spot and raise equity issues?
10:39:01 From Heather Yocum : Does CU provide recommended “pay bands” for what folks should make as a postdoc, RS1, RS2, etc to guide us when thinking about compression and equity issues?
10:43:54 From Guoqing Ge : How much percentage of weight do publications account for in a RS1->RS2 or RS2->RS3 promotion? Some Research Scientists actively involve in improving numerical models and/or research to operation activities and may not do publications in time or regularly. And their work nature does not fit the Associate Scientist category well either. Any considerations on this?
10:49:55 From Christina Williamson : How is service work, for example promotion of diversity and inclusion, taken into account in the career track process?
10:49:55 From Mike Hobbins : Is there any consideration within the makeup of the Career Track Review committee for avoiding interpersonal conflicts with the promotion applicants?
10:53:09 From Kate Heightley : Will the Career Track Review committee consider those of us that have jobs that are operational (I’m a program manager) and don’t do research or have a research or earth science background? Especially when going from AS III to Senior with the requirement for letters from external people while our job duties are very internally focused.
10:54:15 From Roy Miller : it is a committee, so one individual conflict should be overcome by discussion.
10:54:33 From Mike Hobbins : Does transparency include applicants knowing who is serving on the committee?
10:55:16 From Mike Hobbins : Thanks
10:55:31 From Sylvia Murphy : @kate, definately
10:56:18 From Kate Heightley : Thank you
10:57:40 From Lucia she/her/hers : Division director refers to the CIRES division, not the NOAA labs.
11:02:04 From Aaron Sweeney : Will awards be covered at a later date? I’m familiar with the OPA, but am unclear on other awards that may be available for recognizing work outside of promotions and out-of-cycle pay increases.
11:02:45 From Roy Miller : how far in advance should CIRES be notified about arranging retirement?
11:03:17 From Lucia she/her/hers : Hi Roy, at least one month is very helpful so that the employee can be guided through leave payouts and tax implications.
11:03:22 From Karin Vergoth : Thank you Angela and HR team!
11:03:34 From Jenny Fox : Thank you!
11:03:43 From Roy Miller : okay, thanks Lucia – that is easy to do!
11:03:46 From Rick Tisinai : Thank you Angela and the HR staff!
11:03:52 From Gretchen Richard : Thank you, CIRES HR! This was very helpful.
11:04:30 From Lucia she/her/hers : In case it is helpful this is the CIRES awards page. You can read about these her:
11:05:01 From Aaron Sweeney : Great! Thanks.
11:05:53 From Matthew Savoie : There’s a limit to the sick time paid out
11:05:54 From Manoj Nair : Thanks CIRES HR for this helpful talk
11:07:01 From Roy Miller : Sick leave only paid out up to something like 1200 sick leave hours
11:08:19 From Roy Miller : thanks all!