Chat Transcript
09:00:50 From Molly Hardman : It’s kind of like waiting until the popcorn slows to between 2 and 3 seconds in the microwave
09:00:51 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Welcome, everyone! Thanks for staying muted for now – but there should be plenty of time for Q&A
09:00:58 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Yes, Molly!
09:05:17 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Info on Ben Friedman:
09:06:35 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Russ Moore’s note re budget:
09:11:14 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Return to research website:
09:11:58 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Surveillance testing (symptom-free only):
09:14:56 From Leslie Hartten : Katy, thank you for rocking this with all the links!!
09:15:04 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Sure!
09:17:10 From Linda Pendergrass : And thank you to the CMC, Rendezvous Committee for planning a great event!!
09:17:12 From Katy Human (she/hers) :
09:17:24 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Nominate someone! Or a team!
09:19:48 From Leslie Hartten : This is Week 47 of COVID-19 Teleworking, by my count :0
09:20:25 From Katy Human (she/hers) :
09:20:58 From Katy Human (she/hers) :
09:21:25 From Katy Human (she/hers) :
09:21:52 From Christine Wiedinmyer : Any questions – please contact me:
09:22:15 From Katy Human (she/hers) : IRP:
09:22:18 From Christine Wiedinmyer : Also- any questions about the IRP, please contact me:
09:23:37 From Katy Human (she/hers) :
09:25:49 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Downer DEPA info:
09:26:58 From Roy Miller : at least several individuals have received emails informing them that their DEPA must be completed. These of which I’m aware have already completed their DEPA forms, making such notifications useless.
09:26:58 From Gretchen Richard : Helpful DEPA FAQ’s and instructions for completing your DEPA on InsideCIRES:
09:27:49 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Thank you!
09:28:03 From Katy Human (she/hers) : With. apologies… my internet is unstable.
09:28:07 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Ask. Away. Out loud
09:28:21 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Or type in here and Waleed will see.
09:29:24 From Gretchen Richard : Thank you for the feedback, Roy. We will be sure to eliminate unnecessary DEPA emails in the future.
09:30:55 From Heather Yocum : I joined late so sorry if this was already answered, but can you tell us about how the Provost’s call for cutting 3-5% off of the next FY budget will impact CIRES? Will we likely be insulated as we were this FY? And are these cuts at the rest of the university from the pre-COVID budget or from the current (already cut) budget?
09:31:02 From Roy Miller : Thanks Gretchen, will verbally ask a question regarding DEPA soon.
09:32:23 From Katy Human (she/hers) : +Heather: Waleed answered this. Gretchen will be in touch with you.
09:32:36 From Heather Yocum : Thank you
09:33:02 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Question for Waleed or Angela or Christine: Do we have info on CU Boulder COVID vaccine distribution? Will CU Boulder follow the same schedule as general public?
09:33:33 From Jennie Bell : We were, and ARE very proud of you Waleed!
09:35:40 From Angela Knight : @ Katy re vaccinations. Yes, CU Boulder is following Boulder County and State phases –
Age is relevant. 70+ in Phase 1; 60-69 in Phase 2; 65 and up starting Feb 8; K-12 educators starting Feb 8
09:36:19 From Angela Knight : More info on CU Boulder site for vaccinations:
09:36:50 From Mike Hobbins : If we didn’t get an email (or deleted it) to confirm DEPA submission, whom should we ask to check?
09:36:51 From Joe McGlinchy : @Angela, should we abide our county of residence for COVID vaccines as they come available? for those of us who do not have residence in Boulder county
09:38:13 From Mike Hobbins : Tx.
09:38:27 From Angela Knight : Hi Joe, Yes, in terms of personal vaccine access, you should follow your county of residence.
09:38:34 From Joe McGlinchy : thanks!
09:40:20 From Katy Human (she/hers) : CU BOULDER EMAIL – this is critical
09:42:50 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Thank you!
09:43:03 From Aaron Sweeney : Thanks, Waleed!
09:43:11 From Joe McGlinchy : thank you!
09:43:26 From kelly c : Thanks for update.
09:43:30 From Hilary : It’s soothing!
09:43:36 From Christina Kumler : Thanks for these briefings – very helpful and good to feel connected.
09:43:36 From Leslie Hartten : Thanks, Waleed!
09:43:42 From Ryan Cassotto : Thanks Waleed and team!
09:43:45 From Peter Effertz : Thank you!
09:43:59 From Angela Knight : Thanks, Everyone! Have a great week!
09:44:04 From Linda Pendergrass : Thanks Waleed, always very informative!
09:44:11 From Angela Knight : Katy – awesome job on the chat!
09:44:15 From Angela Knight : THank you, Waleed!
09:44:31 From Molly Hardman : Thanks
09:46:41 From Jay Patel : Thank you all
09:48:29 From Hilary : That’s in the FRPA
09:51:46 From Roy Miller : CIRES gets the funds from NOAA, not the employee.
09:54:46 From Katy Human (she/hers) : I thought it was NSF only, too
09:54:58 From Roy Miller : I also thought NSF only
09:55:28 From Christine Wiedinmyer : but grammatically the first bit is for every agency…
09:56:19 From Mike Hobbins : If we filled the DEPA out already, can we get it returned to edit should this discussion have thrown up any issues we may have missed? (Apologies if I missed this Q.)
09:57:03 From Gretchen Richard : Mike – you can log back in and complete it again
09:57:23 From Mike Hobbins : Tx
09:57:59 From Christine Wiedinmyer : it highlights how confusing this is!
09:58:11 From Katy Human (she/hers) : +1 Christine
09:58:26 From Waleed Abdalati : It also highlights how quickly I fill out forms
09:58:58 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Admin Blog:
09:59:07 From Paul E Johnston : We had to take training to do this form. Rather than CIRES do more training, have CU improve their training. This is a CU issue, not just CIRES.
09:59:24 From Christine Wiedinmyer : +1 Paul.
09:59:24 From Katy Human (she/hers) : LOL, Paul! Nice try…
10:01:13 From Christine Wiedinmyer : and as Gretchen said, any time that your situation changes, the DEPA form needs to be filled out again.
10:05:07 From Katy Human (she/hers) : Thanks, Everyone!
10:05:09 From Gilbert Pennoyer Compo : Thanks!
10:05:14 From Angela Knight : Great job Finance team re: DEPAs